I am a Professor of Transnational Studies and interested in understanding (de)migraticization, mobility, transnationalisation and boundary making, and their concomitant production of inequalities that are related to ethnicity, race, class, and gender. As such my research contributes to three domains: Reflexivities and knowledge production in migration studies, the social organization of 'difference' and mobility studies.
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Photo @Meinrad Schade
Dahinden, Janine. 2024. "Die problematische Verschränkung von Staatsbürgerschaft und nationaler Identität." In Argumentarium für ein neues Bürgerrecht, edited by Sabine Baier, Tatiana Cardoso, Kijan Espahangizi, Sandra King-Savic and Barbara von Rütte, 56-60. Bern: Institut neue Schweiz INES.
Schnell, Mathis, Philip Balsiger, and Janine Dahinden. 2024. "Sexual asylum regimes and politics of belonging: Narratives of deservingness in the political-public discourse in Switzerland." Migration Studies 12 (4).
Piccoli, Lorenzo, Matteo Gianni, Didier Ruedin, Christin Achermann, Janine Dahinden, Paula Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, Mihaela Nedelcu, and Tania Zittoun. 2024. "What Is the Nexus between Migration and Mobility? A Framework to Understand the Interplay between Different Ideal Types of Human Movement." Sociology 0 (0):
Kristol, Anne, Joanna Menet, Carolin Fischer, and Janine Dahinden. 2024. "(Doing) belonging as technology of power: how the principle of ‘gender equality’ governs membership in Swiss society." Identities: 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1080/1070289X.2024.2335757.