Ongoing PhDs under my supervision 

Clerc, Sélim: The legacies of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Swiss Asylum Regime (Co-direction with Prof Christin Achermann, UNINE)

Schnell, Mathis: (Re-)Producing Deservingness of Sexual Refugees: A Tension between Sexual Liberalism and Political Nationalism (Co-direction with Prof. Philip Balsiger, UNINE)

Teigelkötter, Gesa: Title to be added

Thomson, Eloise : Making the category of key workers: the legacies of the COVID-19 pandemic at the intersections of the gender and mobility regimes in the UK (Co-direction with Prof. Francisco Klauser, UNINE)

Cloé, Vianin: title to be added

Vuilleumier, Louis: Résistance et translocalité de migrants illégalisés au sein des régimes de mobilité européens (Co-direction with Prof. David Bozzini, UNIFR)