Short CV
Education and academic degrees
PhD (Dr. phil.), Department of Social Anthropology, University of Berne, Switzerland, 2003
M.A. (lic. Phil I) in Social Anthropology, Sociology of Mass Communications and Criminology, University of Zurich, Switzerland, 1997
Current positions and memberships/boards
- Professor of Transnational Studies, project leader in the nccr-on the move, and co- director of the LAPS, director of MAPS, University of Neuchâtel
- Mercator Fellow, Collaborative Research Centre SFB 1604, Production of Migration, University of Osnabrück, Germany
- President of the Swiss Association for Gender Studies
- Co-director with Prof Andreas Pott, IMIS, of the IMISCOE Standing Committee ‘reflexive migration studies’
- Member of ‘Global (De)Centre' for Diversity, Mobility and Culture
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board, Journal of Migration Studies, edited by IMIS, Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies
- Editorial board of Studia ethnologica Croatica
- Member of the Board of directors of the Centre of Migration Law, Universities of Neuchâtel (lead), Berne and Fribourg.
- Member of the editorial board of the collection “Question de genre/Geschlechterfragen/ Gender Issues”, Seismo
- Member of the editorial board of the collection “Social cohesion and cultural pluralism”, Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies, University of Neuchâtel, Seismo
Employment history/past positions
- Visiting Professor, Open University, Migration, Global Challenges and Social Justice Research Center and Open Psychology Research Centre, London, UK (Dec-January 2023)
- Visting Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Toronto, Canada (Fall 2022)
- Invited research Fellow, University of Osnabrück, Institut für Migrationsforschung und interkulturelle Studien (January, May 2019)
- Visiting Researcher, Middlesex University, Social Policy Research Centre, London (Mai-June 2015)
- Visiting Research Fellow, City University of New York, Graduate Centre, Sociology Department (March-April 2015)
- Visiting Professor (Gastprofessorin), Institute of Cultural and Social Anthropology, University of Vienna, Austria (Fall, 2011)
- Vice Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, University of Neuchâtel, 2009-2011
Past board memberships
- Membre de la Commission Suisse pour l’UNESCO 2017-2023
- Member of the supervisory board of the editing house Seismo books 2016-2024
- Member of the award committee the IMISCOE Maria Ioannis Baganha Prize for the best dissertation, 2012-2020
- Member of the commission ‘Prix Jubilé’ of the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2012-2015
- Member of the Research Commission of the SNSF of the University of Neuchâtel, 2011-2014
- Member of the steering committee, 6th program of the Network of Mentoring for women of French speaking Switzerland, 2010-2012
- Member of the Review Panel, HERA – Humanities in the European Research Area, Joint Research Program “Humanities as a Source of Creativity and Innovation”, European Science Foundation, 2009-2012
- Co-director of the Prodoc graduate program « Gender Practices and Perspectives: The Paradoxes of Equality », in cooperation with the Universities of Lausanne (Lead), Geneva and the graduate Institute Geneva. Financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and the Rectors’ Conference of the Swiss Universities (CUS), 2008-2011
- Referee and expert for the Ministry of health of Germany: Evaluation of projects aiming at improving the access of migrants to the addiction support system, 2008
- Member of the supervisory board of the AOZ (Asyl Organisation Zürich), 2007-2017
- Editorial board of NQF – Nouvelles Questions Féministes, revue internationale francophone, 2005-2013
- Member of the board of directors of the Swiss Forum for Migration and Population, Switzerland, 2005-2006