Ongoing research projects
Life Strategies of Young Labour Migrants in Ageing Societies (LYMAS), European Research Project, funded by Volkswagenstiftung, in collaboration with Emmanuel Charmillot (Swiss part)
Towards a Novel Mobility Regime? The Legacies of the COVID-19 Pandemic Regarding the Governance of Human Movements. Nccr on the move, phase III, Co-directed with Prof Christin Achermann and Prof Francisco Klauser, University of Neuchâtel
Accomplished research (since 2008)
Expertise scientifique, recherche mandatée par le Département de l’emploi et de la cohésion sociale du Canton de Neuchâtel: Les Assises de la Cohésion Sociale, en collaboration avec Emmanuel Charmillot
Swissmakers in the 21st century - A participative exhibition on the naturalization process in Switzerland. Projet AGORA, FNS, en collaboration avec Anne Kristol
Moving Market Places (MMP): Following the Everyday Production of Inclusive Public. HERA Joint Research Programme “Public Spaces: Culture and Integration in Europe”. Project leader: Prof. Sophie Watson, Open University, London. For the Swiss part of the project see here
Small Localities at the Outskirts of Europe: Transnational Mobilities, Diversification, and Multi-Scalar Place-Making, Swiss National Science Foundation, NCCR-on the move, phase II. Co-directed with Prof. Tania Zittoun (Université de Neuchâtel).
Gender as boundary marker in the realm of migration and mobility: Yesterday and today. Project NCCR ‘on the move’, Swiss National Science Foundation
Cross-border marriages under conditions of transnationalization and politicization. A case study in Switzerland. Swiss National Science Foundation (2014-2017)
Transnational Mobility of Academics in the Early Stages of their Careers: Transforming or Reproducing Gender Regimes? Swiss National Science Foundation (2012-2016)
Wirksame Hilfe für Betroffene von Zwangsheirat (Causes and forms of forced marriages in Switzerland: Prevention and support for victims). Zusammen mit Dr. Anna Neubauer, Dr. Eric Crettaz (2011-2012)
Bridging Places across Borders. Constitution, Maintenance and Meaning of Transnational Social Spaces. Swiss National Science Foundation (in cooperation with Prof. Michael Nollert, Dr. Marina Richter (University of Fribourg) and PD Dr. Yvonne Riano (University of Neuchâtel). (2009-2012)
Transnationalization of Religion. European Science Foundation, International Exploratory Workshop. In cooperation with Prof. Tania Zittoun (University of Neuchâtel) - An Internet Voting Platform for Swiss Migrants. In collaboration with Dr. Uwe Serdült, c2d, Zentrum für Demokratie Aarau.
Uncovering Gender Projet Transversal Genre et Religion. National Research Program PNR 58 on Religion and State in Switzerland (in cooperation with Dr. Anne Lavanchy and Dr. des Anna-Katharina Höpflinger, MAPS) (2008-2011)
Religion et ethnicité: quelles pratiques, quelles identités, quelles frontières ? Une étude avec de jeunes adultes. Swiss National Research Program NRP 58 on Religion and State in Switzerland (in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Karenina Kollmar-Paulenz, Institute of Science of Religion and Prof. Dr. Doris Wastl-Walter, Institute of Geography, University of Berne). (2007-2010)
Study on Forced Marriage in the City of Zurich Competence Centre for Gender Equality of the City of Zurich (in cooperation with PD Dr. Yvonne Riano) (2009)
Les réseaux de migration dans les politiques de santé publique et d'intégration
Office fédérale de la santé publique, Office pour la migration, Commission fédérale des étrangers (avec Joëlle Moret) (2006-2008)
Social networks and the construction of membership identities Swiss National Science Foundation (2005-2008)
Die Stellung der muslimischen Bevölkerung im Kanton Zürich: Teilstudie Sozialhilfe
Justizdepartement des Kantons Zürich (with Chantal Wyssmüller) (2007-2008)