My teaching is deeply embedded in my interdisciplinary approach. Also, I am convinced that only participatory and interactive approaches can contribute to sustainable knowledge construction. My main objective in my teaching is to accompany students to develop a critical and reflexive stance towards social science theories and concepts while enabling them simultaneously to conduct methodologically and ethically sound research.
I am mainly teaching in our interdisciplinary Master of Social Science while also teaching some courses on BA-level. Those are open to students coming from all social science disciplines. Most of my teaching is in French, some seminaries are also in English.
For further details regarding my courses, please go to moodle.
Here is a list of my yearly courses:
- Methodology and qualitative research in social science, M.A.
- Culture, ethnicity and racialisation in social sciences: History, theories and researches, B.A.
- Propaedeuticum MAPSium: An introduction into the study of the circulation of persons, objects, knowledge and wealth (under my responsibility, together with the colleagues from the MAPS) B.A.
- Interdisciplinarity put in practice: Seminar (with the colleagues from the MAPS), M.A.
These are the seminaries I have been teaching these last years:
- Queering social sciences: Categories, Politics and Power (with Prof. Philip Balsiger and Mathis Schnell), M.A.
- Knowledge production in migration studies: Reflexive, feminist and post-colonial approaches (BENEFRI-Seminary, with Prof. Strasser (UNIBE), M.A.
- Social network analysis in transnational, ethnic and migration studies M.A
- Families, migrations and mobilities: seminar (with Prof. Tania Zittoun, UNINE)
- New Perspective on border Crossings: Transnational mobility Studies and Humanitarism (with Prof. Sabine Strasser, Unibe)
- Religion and membership identities: seminar (with Prof. Tania Zittoun, UNINE), M.A.
- Academic Writing: Seminar (with Prof. Gianni D'Amato, UNINE), M.A.
- Pluralism: Seminar (with Prof. Gianni D'Amato, UNINE), M.A.