Conferences and talks (since 2017)
3.7.2024. "The Social Construction of Migration Through Knowledge Production: Intersectional Approaches to Reflexivity and Positionality". Semi-Plenary “Reflexivity and Intersectionality: Complexifying the Migration Debate” IMISCOE Annual Conference 2024, July 3, Lisbon
25.6.2024. Comment on Naika Foroutan's talk on 'Postmigrant Knowledge Production. "Ambivalences in View of the Postmigration Paradigm: Towards a Post-(de)-Migranticized Society? ", University of Osnabrück, IMIS/SFB Lecture Series, Watch on youtube here
30.5.2024. “Technologies of (de)migranticization and their legacies”, Rethinking Regimes of (Im)Mobility Through Its Past, Present and Future Legacies, International Workshop, University of Neuchâtel. Program
14.2.2024. Academic Conversation, with Dr Marta Kindler: "Navigating networks in migration: integration, transnationalism, and methodological perspectives". Nccr on the move, University of Neuchâtel (Program)
11.3.2024 “What do Intersectional Positionalities of Researchers have to do with Geopolitics of Knowledge Production?” Geopolitics of Knowledge and Inequalities within Migration Scholarship, Institut de Convergences Migrations / EHESS / Imiscoe SC ‘reflexivities, Campus Condorcet, Paris (Program)
7-8.1.2024 “”Who belongs”? Cross-border Marriages as Key Sites of European Migration”, Control Justice, Care, Responsibility: Rethinking the Family from a Legal and Philosophical Perspective, University of Geneva, CH (Program)
24-25.1.2024 “From migration studies towards Mobilities and Technologies of (De)migranticization: Affects (re)producing structures - structures (re)producing affects? How are affects entangled with structures?”, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Workshop “MoLab 2.0: From Structure to Affect?” Organized by Jagat Sohail, Siqi Tu, Biao Xiang, Halle
12.10.2023 "Téchnologies de (Dé)migrantisations". Cycle de conférences, Migrations et Sociétés Arabes. Organisé par CAREP Paris, Session 1, Productions de connaissances critiques sur les migrations. To watch on YouTube here.
3.6.2023 "Care at the Intersection of Mobility and Gender/Sexuality Regimes: past legacies", Round Table, IMISCOE annual conference 2023 - Towards a Novel Mobility Regime? The Legacies of the COVID-19 Pandemic Regarding the Governance of Human Movement, Warsaw, Poland.
10.5.2023 "Wer gehört dazu"? Migrationskontexte und die Politisierung von Liebe". Collegium Generale, Universität Bern, Ringvorlesung "Liebe und Freundschaft".Podcast here
10.1.2023 "Culture as Politics in Contemporary Migration Contexts: The Invisibilisation of Power Relations", CUSP Seminar, Reproducing the Colonial Gaze – Questions for Psychology’s approach to Migration Studies, Open University, London.
6.12.2022 What is Migration really about? Technologies of (De)Migranticization. Research seminar, organized by OU Migration, Global Challenges and Social Justice Research Centre and Open Psychology Research Centre, UK.
6.12.2022 In conversation with Professor Janine Dahinden. An online event for Early Career Scholars and Postgraduate students, Open University. Organized by by OU Migration, Global Challenges and Social Justice Research Centre and Open Psychology Research Centre. UK.
16.11.2022 Intersectional Technologies of (De)Migranticization and/or Racialisation. Invited talk, Seminar/salon organized by Prof Anna Korteweg, University of Toronto, Sociology Department.
10.11.2022 Les mots et les choses en migration /the words and things of migration, Workshop organized by the Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC) in Migration and Integration, Toronto Metropolitan University. Discussant. Program here
14.06.2022. Culture as Politics in Contemporary Migration Contexts: The Invisibilisation of Power Relations, invited talk, together with Prof Anna Korteweg (University of Toronto), SPAIS (School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies, Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship, University of Bristol, UK, webinar. Watch on Youtube here
01.06.2022 Culture as Politics in Contemporary Migration Contexts: The Invisibilisation of Power Relations, invited talk, Prof Christian Joppke, Institut of Sociology, Bern
10.05.2022. Is Immigration Really About Immigration? A Conversation with Janine Dahinden and Andreas Wimmer. Nccr on the move. Re-watch here (Youtube)
02.05.2022. Grande soirée de lancement des Assises de la cohésion sociale, Etat de Neuchâtel, DECS: Emploi rémunéré, engagement familial et travail de soin de l'autre: Qui fait quoi? Quelle valorisation? Aftermovie youtube ici
24.3.2022. Table ronde: Vue de Suisse: La guerre en Ukraine. Organisée par l'institut d'histoire de l'Université de Neuchâtel. Ma contribution: Un appel à la solidarité avec tou.te.s les réfugié.e.s, au-delà des doubles standards.
18.3.2022. Roundtable : Unstable Categories in Migration Research, IMISCOE Spring conference, organized by Bruno Meuss (KU Leuven), Miriam Neßler (ILS Dortmund) and Malte Gembus (Coventry University), webinar
16.3.2022. “Addressing complex hegemonies, power and reflexivities within migration studies: Ways forward?” Webinar, Rethinking Knowledge Production in Migration Research, organized by: EUI, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, MPC: Migration Policy Centre
“Gendernativism and the liberal subject: The cases of forced marriages and the ‘burqa ban’”. Together with Stefan Manser-Egli. Conference of the Swiss Association for Gender Studies “women’s suffrage and democracy today: Critique, memory, visions”, University of Zurich, November 26 (onsite)
"Disentangling entangled mobilities: Reflections on Forms of knowledge production within migration studies", invited lecture, WORCK Conference 2 / ELHN Conference 4: Historicising the Concept of Europe in Global History, 30 August–3 September 2021: Vienna, Austria (onsite)
Workshop "Qualitative network analysis for migration studies: beyond metaphors and epistemological pitfalls", organised with Prof Louise Ryan, IMISCOE Annual Conference, 7.8.2021, online
"(Doing) Belonging as Technology of Power: How the use of 'Gender Equality' Shapes Inclusion and Exclusion in Switzerland". IMISCOE Annual Conference, Panel: "Boundaries and Borders of Belonging in Europe: Negotiating the Gendered Racialized Construction of Complex Inequalities", 8.7.2021 (online)
Webinar (Podcast link here): The Citizenship-Migration-Mobility Nexus (Programme). Organized by the Robert Schuman Center, EUI, Global Citizenship Observatory. Invited Speaker, 27.4.2021.
Gender and Sexuality in Migration Research Standing Commitee at IMISCOE. 3rd Migration Dialogue: the Palgrave Handbook of Gender & Migration. Book Symposium. Webinar. Discussant, 10.3.2021.
Co-organisation of the conference: “Towards Reflexivity in Migration Studies Knowledge Production in Times of Contested Politics and Post-Colonial Dynamics”, 21-22 January 2021, on-line. Organized by ESA RN 35 “Sociology of Migration” – Midterm Conference, in collaboration with the IMISCOE Standing Committee “Reflexivities in Migration Studies”. Organised together with Anna Amelina (Cottbus University, „Migration, Conflict and Social Change“ Research Platform), and Felicitas Hillmann (Humboldt University Berlin).
Discussant. International Workshop KultMIX,, invited by Dr. Jens Schneider, November 6, 2020. On-line.
« Recherches menées en temps du COVID-19 sur le COVID-19- trois exemples… sur comment je me suis débrouillée… »Module CUSO Graduate School of Sociologie– 10 Septembre 2020, Morges, September 10, 2020.
“Gendernationalism” and the (il)liberal state: The cases of the “burqa ban” and “forced marriage” in Switzerland.Together with Stefan Manser-Egli. IMISCOE conference, Panel: Gendered and Sexualised Governance of Mobility and Integration, July 2, on-line.
“Social Network Methods in Migration Studies: Recent developments and challenges”. IMISCOE-Conference, Roundtable-Participation, July 1, on-line
“Decentering’ research on transnational Mobilities, integration and diversities? Explorations of small locations at the ‘outskirts of Europe’. Alexander von Humboldt Lecture, Universities of Nijmegen/Wagendingen, 11.11.2019, Netherlands - Access this talk on YouTube
«De-migranticization»? The pitfalls of political and normative categorizations for migration research (and practitioners)”. Lunchtime event, Wageningen/Radboud University, Discussion with practitioners. November 11, 2019
“Global Citizenship Education” Talk at the University of Geneva, Master in Innovation, Human Development, and Sustainability: Education and Culture for Sustainable Development, Irina Bokova and Hervé Munz, 23.10.2019
“What Does the Transnational Perspective Bring to Migration and Mobility Research? Epistemological, Theoretical and Methodological Issues”, Core Course 4, Transnational Mobilities and Complex Diversities, nccr-on the move graduate school, Neuchâtel, 17.10.2019
“Thinking about the pitfalls of political and normative categorizations in migration research”, IMISCOE Conference, Panel (organised by Andreas Pott and myself): “Towards reflexive migration studies”, Malmö, 28.6.2019
“Hin zu einer reflexiven Migrationsforschung? Wissensproduktion und die Herausforderung von Kategorisierungen”, eingeladener Vortrag, 8.5.2019, Universität Osnabrück, IMIS, Deutschland
“Gendernationalism: Theoretical and empirical explorations”. Le tournant critique dans les études migratoires (CRITMIGR), Cycle de journée d’études, Université Paris 7 Denis Diderot, Paris, 11 avril 2019
“Reflexive knowledge production in migration studies: The pitfalls of political and normative categorizations in migration research”, Core course No 3 of the NCCR-on the move Graduate School, 5.4.2019, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
“Understanding cross-border marriages of descendants of non EU-migrants beyond ethnicity and culture”. International Workshop, Social Network Analysis and Migration, Organized by Prof. Louise Ryan (Sheffield University, UK) and myself, University of Neuchâtel, March 7-8, 2019
Interdisciplinary workshop. Unpacking gendered dimensions of politics and practices of belonging: Theoretical and empirical approaches. Organized in the context of the NCCR-on the move, together with Carolin Fischer, Joanna Menet, Anne Kristol, University of Neuchâtel, 6-7 February, Switzerland
„Wer gehört dazu“? Transnationale Heiraten von Nachkommen von Einwanderern: Positionierungsstrategien im Kontext von Stigmatisierung und Ausschluss. Zentrum für Familienwissenschaften, Juristische Fakultät der Universität Basel, 17.1.2019, Basel, Switzerland
“The pitfalls of political and normative categorizations for migration research”, International Workshop. Sociology of Migration: Past, Present and Future, organized by Milena Chimienti and Claudio Bolzmann, 6-7 December 2018, Geneva, Switzerland
“The Making of National Societies: Borders, Boundaries and Migrant Inclusion and Exclusion in a Transnational Perspective”, invited keynote speaker at the 10th Annual Seminar of the Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology (BGHS), 5-7 July 2018, Bielefeld, Germany Link
“Exploring theoretical and methodological challenges in researching post-migration societies across Europe”, Panel organized at the 15th IMISCOE Annual Conference, together with Carolin Fischer and Joanna Menet, 2 - 4 July 2018, Barcelona, Spain
«Critical Thinking and Interdisciplinarity» The pitfalls of political and normative categorizations for migration research. PhD Workshop, Annual Conference of IMISCOE, July 2, 2018, Barcelona, Spain
« Re-contextualising cross-border marriages of descendants of migrants in exclusive stigmatising contexts: Position strategies, boundary processes and the role of Islam”, Centre for Global Migration Studies (CeMig), Opening Conference. Migration as a Global Challenge: Interdisciplinary Approaches to a Complex Field, Panel: Negotiations of Religious Plurality in the Context of Migration, organized by Alexander-Kenneth Nagel, 21.06.2018 - 23.06.2018, University of Göttingen, Germany
"The pitfalls of political and normative categorizations for migration research: Cross-border marriages of descendants of migrants as position strategies". Centre for Migration Research, Warsaw University, 10.5.2018
Workshop, Input: “Social network analysis and its potential for migration and ethnic studies“. Centre for Migration Research, Warsaw University, 10.5.2018
„Borders and Boundaries beyond Society? Exploring Migrant Inclusion and Exclusion in a Transnational Perspective“, Globalization – Transnationalization – Society. An Interdisciplinary Dialogue between Theories of Society and Cross-Border Studies, 15/16 February 2018, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Bielefeld University, Germany Link
“Zweite Generation MigrantInnen? Migrationshintergund? Kategorisierungen und ihre Herausforderungen für die Migrationsforschung“, Soziologisches Kolloquium, 24.1.2018, Universität Duisburg/Essen, Germany Link
“After the reflexive turn in migration studies?”, Workshop After “the crisis”, organized by Boris Nieswand and Elif Alp-Marent, University of Tübingen, 8.12.2017, Tübingen, Germany
„«Borders» und «Boundaries». Überlegungen zu physischen und imaginären Grenzen“, Jahrestagung EKM, 9.11.2017, Bern. Link
Organisation of the Panel: ‘De-naturalizing belonging: Exploring everyday participation in cities from a gender perspective’, 14th Imiscoe Conference, 29.6.2017, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
“Social Network Analysis as a Way to «de-naturalise» Research on Migration”, 14th Imiscoe Conference, Session: Social Networks in the Study of Mobility and Urban Diversity, 28.6.2017, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
“A plea for the de-migrantization of research on migration and integration”. Invited talk, CEIFO seminar, 27.3.2017, University of Stockholm, Swede