Articles in peer-reviewed journals

Schnell, Mathis, Philip Balsiger, and Janine Dahinden. 2024. "Sexual asylum regimes and politics of belonging: Narratives of deservingness in the political-public discourse in Switzerland." Migration Studies 12 (4).

Kristol, Anne, Joanna Menet, Carolin Fischer, and Janine Dahinden. 2024. "(Doing) belonging as technology of power: how the principle of ‘gender equality’ governs membership in Swiss society." Identities: 1-19.

Piccoli, Lorenzo, Matteo Gianni, Didier Ruedin, Christin Achermann, Janine Dahinden, Paula Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, Mihaela Nedelcu, and Tania Zittoun. 2024. "What Is the Nexus between Migration and Mobility? A Framework to Understand the Interplay between Different Ideal Types of Human Movement." Sociology

SLAPE, Wyss, Anna, Tania Zittoun, Oliver Clifford Pedersen, Janine Dahinden, and Emmanuel Charmillot. 2023. "Places and mobilities: studying human movements using place as an entry point." Mobilities: 567-581. 

Dahinden, Janine, Gunvor Jónsson, Joanna Menet, Joris Schapendonk, and Emil van Eck. 2023. "Placing regimes of mobilities beyond state-centred perspectives and international mobility: the case of marketplaces." Mobilities: 1-16.   

Dahinden, Janine. 2023. "Deterritorialized and unfinished “integration nations”?" Ethnic and Racial Studies 46 (8): 1609-1619. 

Dahinden, Janine, and Anna C. Korteweg. 2023. "Culture as politics in contemporary migration contexts: the in/visibilization of power relations." Ethnic and Racial Studies 46 (3): 420-449..

Wyss, Anna, and Janine Dahinden. 2022. "Disentangling entangled mobilities: reflections on forms of knowledge production within migration studies." Comparative Migration Studies 10 (1): 33.

Dahinden, Janine. 2022. Pre-print: Migranticization. In Elgar Encyclopedia of Migration. Migranticization | Zenodo 

MMP, van Eck, Emil, Sophie Watson, Rianne van Melik, Markus Breines, Janine Dahinden, Gunvor Jónsson, Maria Lindmäe, Marco Madella, Joanna Menet, Joris Schapendonk. 2022. "Moving Marketplaces: Understanding Public Space from a Relational Mobility Perspective." Cities (27)


MMP, Breines, Markus, Janine Dahinden, Gunvor Jónsson, Maria Lindmäe, Marco Madella, Joanna Menet, Joris Schapendonk, Emil Van Eck, Rianne Van Melik, Sophie Watson 2022. "Re-Producing Public Space: The Changing Everyday Production of Outdoor Retail Markets." Urban Geography: 1-8. 

Dahinden, Janine and Stefan Manser-Egli. 2022. " Gendernativism and Liberal Subjecthood: The Cases of Forced Marriage and the Burqa Ban in Switzerland. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society

Charmillot, Emmanuel, and Janine Dahinden. 2021. "Mobilities, locality and place-making: understanding categories of (non-)membership in a peripheral valley." Mobilities: 1-16.

Dahinden, Janine, and Bridget Anderson. 2021. "Exploring New Avenues for Knowledge Production in Migration Research: A Debate Between Bridget Anderson and Janine Dahinden -  Pre and After the Burst of the Pandemic." Swiss Journal of Sociology 47 (1): 27-52. 

Louise Ryan and Janine Dahinden. 2021.  "Qualitative network analysis for migration studies: Beyond metaphors and epistemological pitfalls." Global Networks 21 (3): 459-469.  

Moret, Joëlle, Apostolos Andrikopoulos, and Janine Dahinden. 2021. "Contesting categories: cross-border marriages from the perspectives of the state, spouses and researchers." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 47 (2): 325-342.

Jashari, Shpresa, Janine Dahinden, and Joëlle Moret. 2021. "Alternative spatial hierarchies: a cross-border spouse’s positioning strategies in the face of Germany’s ‘pre-integration’ language test." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 47 (2): 413-429.

Schaer, Martine, Cédric Jacot and Janine Dahinden. 2021. "Transnational mobility networks and academic social capital among early-career academics: beyond common-sense assumptions." Global Networks 21 (3): 585-607.

Schapendonk, Joris, Matthieu Bolay, and Janine Dahinden. 2021. The conceptual limits of the ‘migration journey’. De-exceptionalising mobility in the context of West African trajectories. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 47 (14): 3243-3259.

Dahinden, Janine, Carolin Fischer, and Joanna Menet. 2021. "Knowledge Production, Reflexivity and the Use of Categories in Migration Studies: Tackling Challenges in the Field", thnic and Racial Studies 44 (4): 535-554.   

Fischer, Carolin, Christin Achermann and Janine Dahinden 2020. "Revisiting Borders and Boundaries: Exploring Migrant Inclusion and Exclusion from Intersectional Perspectives." Migration Letters 17(4): 477-485. Open access

Dahinden, Janine, Joelle Moret, and Shpresa Jashari. 2020. "The Reconfiguration of European Boundaries and Borders: Cross-border Marriages from the Perspective of Spouses in Sri Lanka." Migration Letters 17 (4): 511-520. Open access link

Kristol, Anne, and Janine Dahinden. 2019. "Becoming a citizen through marriage: how gender, ethnicity and class shape the nation." Citizenship Studies:1-17.

Fischer, Carolin and Janine Dahinden 2019. "Using Pragmatism to Approach ‘Diaspora’, its Meanings and Political Implications", in Cohen, Robin and Carolin Fischer (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Diaspora Studies. Routledge, p. 293-301. Link

Toader, Alina and Janine Dahinden 2018. "Family configurations and arrangements in the transnational mobility of early-career academics: Does gender make twice the difference?" Migration Letters, 15(1): 67-84. Link

Dahinden, Janine. 2017. "Transnationalism Reloaded: The Historical Trajectory of a Concept." Ethnic and Racial Studies 40 (9): 1474-1485. Link

Schaer, Martine, Janine Dahinden and Alina Toader 2017. "Transnational Mobility among Early-Career Academics: Gendered Aspects of Negotiations and Arrangements within Heterosexual Couples." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 43(8): 292-1307. Link

Dahinden, Janine. 2016. "A plea for the ‘de-migranticization’ of research on migration and integration."  Ethnic and Racial Studies 39 (13):2207-2225. DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2015.1124129.  

Fischer, Carolin, and Janine Dahinden 2016. "Changing Gender Representations in Politics of Belonging: An Analysis of Swiss Immigration Regulation from the 19th Century until today."  Ethnicities. doi: 10.1177/1468796816676844. LInk

Duemmler, Kerstin and Janine Dahinden 2016. "Gehören wir dazu? Grenzziehungsprozesse und Positionierungen der zweiten Generation im Vergleich zwischen Luzern und Neuchâtel." Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 42(2): 309-331.

Dahinden, Janine 2016. "Switzerland", in Stone, John et al. (eds.) The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism. JohnWiley & Sons. Retrieved from Wiley Online Library. doi: 10.1002/9781118663202. 

Dahinden, Janine, Kerstin Duemmler and Joëlle Moret 2014. "Disentangling Religious, Ethnic and Gendered Contents in Boundary Work: How Young Adults Create the Figure of ‘The Oppressed Muslim Woman’." Journal of Intercultural Studies, 35(4): 329-348.   Download Link

(2013). «Religion in meaning making and boundary work: Theoretical explorations » Integrative behavioral and psychological science. Religious meaning-making and boundary work. Special issue, (DOI) 10.1007/s12124-013-9233-3. Co-authored with Tania Zittoun. . download

(2013 (published online 4.2.2013). «Albanian-Speaking Migration, mid-19th Century to Present», in Ness, Immanuel (ed), Encylopedia of Global Human Migration. Wiley Blackwell. DOI: 10.1002/9781444351071.wbeghm026. download

(2013). «German Muslims and the ‘Integration Debate’: Negotiating Identities in the Face of Discrimination.» Integrative behavioral and psychological science. Religious meaning-making and boundary work. Special issue, DOI 10.1007/s12124-012-9227-6. Co-authored with Holtz Peter, and Wolfgang Wagner. download

(2013). «Cities, Migrant Incorporation, and Ethnicity: A Network Perspective on Boundary Work.» Journal of International Migration and Integration, 14(1): 39-60. Link

(2012). "Introduction: Linking Gender and Religion." Women's Studies. An inter-disciplinary Journal. Special issue: Religion and Gender: Towards Diversities, 41(6): 615-638. Co-authored with Höpflinger, Anna-Katharina and Anne Lavanchy.Download special issue - Link

(2010). « "Cabaret dancers - settling down in order to stay mobile"? Bridging theoretical orientations within transnational migration studies.» Social Politics. International Studies in Gender, State & Society, 17(3): 323-348. [link]

(2010). "Gender Equality as 'Cultural Stuff': Ethnic Boundary Work in a Classroom in Switzerland." Diversities, 12 (1):19-37. Co-authored with Kerstin Duemmler and Joelle Moret. Download

(2009). "Are we all transnationals now? Network Transnationalism and Transnational Subjectivity: The Differing Impacts of Globalization on the Inhabitants of a Small Swiss City." Ethnic and Racial Studies, 32 (8): 1365-1386. [download]

(2009). "La transnationalisation des réalités sociales: Quand une petite ville devient "transnationale"." Géo Regards. Revue Neuchâteloise de Géographie, Migrations contemporaines (2): 39-56. [link]

(2008). "Les activités transnationales des associations de migrants serbes et kosovars en Suisse", en Efionayi-Mäder, Denise, Gérard Perroulaz und Catherine Schümperli Younossian (Hg.), Annuaire suisse de politique de développement: Migration et développement: un mariage arrangé. Genève: The Graduate Institute, S. 235-248. Download

(Translation into German: "Transnationale Aktivitäten serbischer und kosovarischer Migrantenorganisationen in der Schweiz, Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Entwicklungspolitik. Migration und Entwicklung: Eine Zweckallianz). Co-authored with Joelle Moret Download

(2008). "Umgang mit Diversität und Fremdsprachigkeit - Umfrage unter Leitungspersonen öffentlicher Institutionen." Journal of Intercultural Communication, 16. Co-authored with Alexander Bischoff Download

(2008). "Deconstructing mythological foundations of ethnic identities and ethnic group formation: Albanian-speaking and new Armenian immigrants in Switzerland." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 34(1): 55-76. Download  

(2007). "Edito: Migration et genre en Suisse." Nouvelle Questions Féministes. Revue internationale francophone. Genre et frontières - frontières de genre : migrations, 26(1): 4-15. Co-authored with Magaly Hanselmann, Karine Lempen and Natalie Benelli Download

(2007). "Soziale Netzwerke und Zugehörigkeiten. Eine Schweizerische Kleinstadt in Zeiten der Globalisierung." Tsantsa. Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Ethnologischen Gesellschaft, 12: 129-135. Download

(2005). "Contesting transnationalism? Lessons from the study of Albanian migration networks from former Yugoslavia." Global Networks. A journal of transnational affairs. 5 (2): 191-208. Download

(2005). "Der Anfang vom Ende eines neuen Konzepts? Transnationalismus am Beispiel der sozialen Netzwerke von albanischen MigrantInnen aus dem ehemaligen Jugoslawien." Traverse. Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 1: 93-110. Download